Thursday, November 5, 2009

Legal, but Morally Wrong? Are You Kidding Me?

As previously discussed, the Abington Township Commissioners have begun unjustified legal proceedings to seize the property of Elizabeth Patane, an 80-year-old widow, who has made it clear she will fight the taking to the last inch. A rally in support of Mrs. Patane's property rights was held on Saturday, October 17, 2009, featuring a march on the Abington Township building and certain Commissioners who support this action.

There are two videos that capture the rally, Part 1 and Part II. In the spirit full disclosure, I did not attend the rally, although I fully support the efforts of those who did.

Apparently, there was at least one other individual who did not attend the rally, but did watch the online videos. She is Marge Herrmann Sexton, an Abington Township Constable. She wrote on her blog, Unleashed, the following:

Letter in Times Chronicle - When freedom to assemble is abused
Yesterday I had the opportunity to view the YouTube video of the people who picketed certain Abington Commissioners on a recent October Saturday. I had heard about the pickets and was somewhat bemused but didn’t actually think that much of it.

Then yesterday someone suggested watching it. To be honest, the visual impact was horrifying: a group of angry (or joking among themselves about being angry) people shouting insults and threats outside of the homes of local elected officials, some of whom I know, all of whom I know of. For me, this is not a Democratic or Republican issue. This is a case of watching people who are our neighbors and elected representatives be the targets of hate-filled protest.

I personally know Mr. Krawchuk, who seemed to be the leader. He and I have always had a civil, even friendly rapport. It made me sick to see him happily leading this group of shouting people who were gathered in a menacing fashion outside of people’s homes.

I really do wonder what kind of people would do such a thing. I tried to imagine feeling safely at home and having people shouting, “We have you surrounded!” At other times there were references to guns. I could only imagine what the people in the houses of those streets must have experienced. Did it matter at all that there were other family members inside perhaps frightened children, grandchildren or animals? We know from recent events that those who gather at such places are likely to be pro-gun advocates and may well be carrying them to such protests.

Suddenly our very homes are no longer sacred places if elected officials cannot be at home on a rainy Saturday in their pajamas and feel safe. Neither can their neighbors feel safe from such angry, perhaps gun-toting people. Our country has a history of vigilante groups who assemble and whose anger gathered enough steam to result in loss of life at times and damage to personal property at other times.

The most absurd thing of all their shouting, “Come out here and talk to your constituents!” Who would ever set foot out their door and into the midst of such a hate-filled gathering? I am appalled that local citizens would treat their neighbors in such a menacing fashion. It may be legal to do so, but it certainly is morally wrong. Many things are legal in this country, but that doesn’t make them right.

Boards of Commissioners make many decisions. Over the years of living in Abington I have personally disagreed with many and presume I will continue to do so in the future. But to imagine myself showing up at someone’s home and treating those folks as though they deserve no respect at all is a vile form of human behavior. To stomp around and shout insults and threats shows no dignity, no class and certainly no intelligence.

It would be my hope that it would never work to the advantage of those protestors but would have quite the opposite effect.

Marge Herrmann Sexton
Abington Township Constable

I tried leaving a message on her blog in response to her above posting, but much to my surprise and dismay, she did not allow it to be displayed. Perhaps I shouldn't be all that surprised, given her obvious penchant for stifling of free speech. I on the other hand welcome all opinions, as I think having an open discussion is important.

Here is what I wrote to her in response to her posting:

While the tone of the picketers at times may appear to the non-informed a bit crude, it was nonetheless, non-violent, non-property damaging and I am sure, based in part from the frustration of dealing with the “Cheney-esque” attitude of the Abington Township Commissioners and staff. In fact, about two weeks ago, Burton T. Conway, Township Manager of Abington Township, was interviewed 1210AM-WPHT with Dom Giordano, and displayed such a disdain for the questions being asked and had a "so what" attitude when asked about property rights, alternative buildings, other options, eminent domain, etc. Anyone who knows the background of the underlying issue would certainly see how these picketers felt that they had no other option to make their voices heard. Our country was founded on the back of protest, a-la-the Boston Tea Party, as well as other protests throughout the history of our nation. Free speech, of which, protest if a form of, is a protected right.

One of the homes they picketed was that of Commissioner Jim Ring. Here is an example of a Commissioner who has totally ignored repeated questions regarding zoning ordinance violations and violations of ethics and improper behavior by Abington Township employees. In fact, all of the Commissioners have ignored such inquiries. Why do I say that? Well, you can read about his improper behavior in my prior postings. I am sure the picketers decided to take it to his and other Commissioners doorsteps since he and they have ignored legitimate questions and inquiries regarding the the stealing of Mrs. Patane's property.

Moreover, the uniting issue here is one of Eminent Domain and the taking of a property owned by an 80-year-old woman when other options are available. That is not what I expect from those instilled in running Abington Township, or for that matter, from any other local, state or federal agency. At the monthly Board meetings, the Commissioners limit public comment to three minutes, yet they seem okay with ranting, raving and rambling on far longer when residents question their decisions, considerations or challenge them. The Commissioners sit at these meetings and throw out false accusations and facts and then don’t have the courtesy to acknowledge when they are wrong. For example (this can be seen on a video during a recent meeting), Commissioner Lynott claimed that a resident was doing something he didn’t like, which was talking to residents about the proposed transitional zones, but after he ranted and tossed about false accusations about this individual, another person stepped forward to claim responsibility, yet Commissioner Lynott did not apologize or accept that he was wrong in pointing the finger at another resident.

It is no wonder people have decided to go to certain Commissioner’s homes to make their point. However, I think Marge Herrmann Sexton's stereotypical and rash generalization that picketers are known to carry firearms is absurd and demeans those non-violent picketers/demonstrators who have never brought or even contemplated bringing a gun to a protest, or for that matter, who don’t even own a gun. It is "morally" wrong, to use her word, to take property from someone, as Abington Township is proposing to do, particularly when the owner is not a tax delinquent, there are alternative properties available to purchase, an offer to lease the property to Abington Township was made, and the Commissioner in this Ward is up for re-election and is using this issue to bolster her chances of winning. Under Ms. Sexton's premise, one should worry anytime there is protest because of gun-toting people. Nice try deflecting the real issue by trying to instill unwarranted fear in people who might benefit from learning about the “wrong” and improper actions of our Commissioners and Township. How do you think the property owner and family feels? How about other residents, who now have to worry that because their property may not conform to the likes and whims of the Commmissioners, it can be seized under the veil of eminent domain?

Most importantly and most worrisome is, who is Marge Herrmann Sexton to say that, just because something is legal, it is morally wrong? Why is it morally wrong to protest, because she says it is? I can only imagine how many other legal and common activities that we take for granted and that are legally protected, that Ms. Sexton feels are morally wrong and should be halted. Obviously, the right to exercise free speech is one legal right she would like to limit. Please Ms. Sexton, don’t inflict your misguided “morals” and limitations of free speech on others, and while you are at it, please resign your position as Constable immediately. How many other legal rights does Ms. Sexton feel are wrong to pursue? Is she going push for censoring books, movies, and other forms of free speech when she disagrees with them? What makes you the arbiter of right and wrong when something is legally protected?

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